French Revolution Concept Map
By Cara Ruegg
I designed a concept map for history. I never made a concept map before and clearly did not succeed given my atrocious grade, but I still thought it more or less got the points across. 

4. Oxford University 2005
7. Attwater 1958
10. Halsall 1997: n.p.
12. Ehmke (n.d.) Wk 4
1. Carroll, Warren (2005) The Revolution Against Christendom. Chicago, IL USA: Christendom
2. Carroll, Warren (1991) The Guillotine and the Cross. Manassas, VA USA: Christendom Press
3. Belloc, Hilaire (1915) The French Revolution. London: Williams and Norgate
4. Oxford University. (2005). New Oxford American Dictionary. NY:
Oxford U. Press.
5. Kennedy, Michael (1984) The Best and the Worst Times: The Jacobin
Club Network from October 1791 to June 2, 1793. Chicago Journals, 56(4).
6. Robinson, Paul. (2008) Fr. Iscara Conference Series: The
Revolution Called ‘French’. Wynona USA: Holy Cross Seminary.
7. Attwater, Donald (1958) A Catholic Dictionary. Rockford,
Illinois USA: Tan Books and Publishers.
8. “Jean-Paul-Marat”
(n.d.) in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Available internet:
9. “Charles-Louis-de-Secondat-baron-de-La-Brede-et-de-Montesquieu/4975/Major-works”
(n.d.) in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Available internet: (
Halsall, Paul. (1997). “Modern History
Sourcebook: Abbé Sieyes: What is the
Third Estate?” in Internet
History Sourcebook, Fordham University. Available internet: ( (22 April. 2013).
11. “Lazare-Carnot” (n.d.) in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Available internet: (
12. Ehmke, Catherine (n.d.) RRR Wk 4 L2. Unpublished paper. Rosary Convent, Victoria.
13. Ehmke, Catherine (n.d.) RRR Wk 1 L2. Unpublished paper.
Rosary Convent, Victoria.
14. Ehmke, Catherine (n.d.) RRR Wk 3 L2. Unpublished paper.
Rosary Convent, Victoria.
15. Ehmke, Catherine (n.d.) RRR Wk 5 L1. Unpublished paper.
Rosary Convent, Victoria.
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